Galactic Astrology - Re-membering our connection to Stars

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For many years Julia Balaz felt guided to meticulously study astrological charts of her clients AFTER their regression hypnosis sessions (applying QHHT®= Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique developed by Dolores Cannon).

She was looking for some verification about intriguing information that came up in so many sessions.
While analyzing around 2000 natal charts she observed that Fixed-Stars alignments to our solar system's planets in a natal chart are revealing astounding stories of our deep ancestors & ancient soul memories of ET encounters that are resurfacing in our collective consciousness.
Julia is a passionate researcher of souls' journeying through cosmos and she shares her intriguing discoveries on her YouTube channel, on Instagram and in her online courses.

You can learn more about Julia’s work at: https://www.galacticastrology.com

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Your Higher-Self Connection Course

This is an easy-to-follow and practical online course that can help with identifying and leveraging the the many ways that our wise Soul uses to communicate with us to help us navigate our life with ease and flow, guiding us towards our greater potential. 

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