Dr. Marie Mbouni, MD
Embracing the Cosmic Heart: Journeying Through its Wounds, Harnessing its Power as a Portal & Embracing the Infinite I AM
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Marie Mbouni is an MD and has been called the entrepreneurs’ shaman. She is a spiritual guide, shaman medicine woman, consciousness coach, trauma-informed sacred ceremonies facilitator, and integration facilitator. A healer, mentor, author, and speaker, Dr. Marie Mbouni is the Founder and CEO of Heart Leadership and the Source Codes Mystery School. She is a leading expert in guiding high-performing leaders, entrepreneurs, founders, visionaries, and creatives to reconnect and manifest their fullest expression so that they may achieve high levels of performance, holistic success, alignment, and joy, where true healing happens. Marie has boldly opened up to the power of the heart and mind, the beauty of intuition, and the all-encompassing power of love. She's now stepped into her destiny as a healer and embraced her potential beyond the confines of the mainstream. A humanitarian, Marie is passionate about sacred reciprocity and giving back to help the world evolve into a better place.
You can learn more about Marie’s work at: https://mariembouni.com
Marie’s Free Gift to You:
Three shamanic tools to awaken and elevate your life
These do not take long to experience. Enjoy!
*Discover Your Power Spirit Animal
*The Shamanic Art Psychic Self-Defense
*How To Create & Work With A Home Altar