Dr. Veronica Goodchild, PhD

Pilgrimage, Crop Circles as Oracles, and the Sun-Moon Formation at Clear Wood, UK, July 2019: Intimations of the Sophianic I AM Presence

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Veronica is a writer, teacher, and pilgrimage leader. She is Professor Emerita, (Pacifica Graduate Institute), and an Affiliate Member of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts. She practiced and taught Jungian psychology and psychotherapy for many years, and was influenced in her work by various shamanic traditions. She has travelled to several sacred sites around the world, most recently to Egypt. Veronica has always had an interest in mysticism, non-ordinary experiences, and how encounters with our star nation families and crop circle formations (among other examples), are contributing to a new worldview. This includes access to the subtle worlds and mystical cities found in realms between spirit and matter, helping us to develop the wisdom of the heart, and to create a much broader vision needed on our precious Earth home. Veronica's books are Songlines of the Soul: Pathways to a New Vision for a New Century; and Eros and Chaos: the Sacred Mysteries and Dark Shadows of Love. She and her husband live in SW France.

You can learn more about Veronica’s work at: http://www.veronicagoodchild.com/wordpress/

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